Office Location: College Hall, 204-A
Mailbox Location: Pyle Box 1261
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Edited Collections
Rovan, Marcie Panutsos and Melissa Wehler, editors, Lessons from Hogwarts: Essays on the Pedagogies of Harry Potter, McFarland, 2020.
Refereed Journal Articles
Panutsos, Marcie. “The ‘Broken Mirror’: Casualties of Nation-Building in Train to Pakistan.” Impressions 5.2 (2011).
Book Chapters
Rovan, Marcie Panutsos. “Dumbledore’s Army A Case for Peer Tutoring.” Lessons from Hogwarts: The Pedagogies of Harry Potter, edited by Marcie Panutsos Rovan and Melissa Wehler, McFarland, 2020.
Rovan, Marcie Panutsos. "What to do with Supergirl?: Fairy Tales Tropes, Female Power, and Conflicted Feminist Discourse." Girl of Steel: Essays on Television’s Supergirl and Fourth-Wave Feminism, edited byTim Rayburn and Melissa Wehler, McFarland, 2019.
Web-Based Publications
Rovan, Marcie Panutsos. “Learning from Our Students: Using Feedback to Improve Teaching.” CTE@CPC Blog. (Nov. 2018).
Rovan, Marcie Panutsos. “Reuse vs. Recycle: The Ethics of ‘Double-Dipping.’” CTE@CPC Blog. (Sept. 2017).
Marcie is married with two very active small children and spends most of her free time wrangling them and renovating her new Wilmington home with her husband. She enjoys baking, cooking, crocheting, and going on adventures with her family.