The Wilmington College Aggies is a not-for-profit campus organization the sponsors on and off campus activities such as the Aggies Judging Contest. Each year, the Aggies club offers a five-hundred dollar scholarship to incoming an incoming freshman showing exemplary academics and leadership in high school, in hopes the student will be an active member of the Wilmington College Community. The Wilmington College Aggies is one of the largest organizations at Wilmington College. The organization focuses on education and leadership in the agriculture industry. The scholarship offers prospective students an early interest in the organization, and was designed to aid tomorrow’s leaders as they strive to further their education.
Social Media Accounts
- Instagram: @wc_aggies
- Facebook: WC Aggies
2025 Aggies Judging Contest
This year’s contest will be held March 5th at the Champions Center in Clark County.
This year, we will only be doing PRE-REGISTRATION. Prior to registering, please know the number of students you will be bringing and which contest they are participating in. Payment is accepted through Paypal prior to the contest or by cash and/or check prior to picking up registration packets at the contest.
Upon arrival at the Clark County Champions Center, keep your students on your transportation. Please send one advisor/coach to registration to receive your contest packets. Students will then be released from your transportation by a Wilmington College Aggies representative to their contest area. More details on the release process will be provided at a later time.
We will not be using the normal seating area, as in years past. This area will be a closed testing center for contest use only. We will have a designated indoor seating area for advisors/coaches after the start of the event.
Apparel will be available for purchase. We will provide more details at a later time.
At the conclusion of each contest, we will be releasing students directly to school transportation. We will not be providing in-person class results and reasonings. Class results and reasonings will be recorded and emailed to the email address provided at registration at a later time.
The purpose of this organization shall be:
- To promote high scholastic standards, leadership, and good character among agriculture students
- To promote fellowship among agriculture students and with other collegiate 4-H clubs
- To promote agriculture and 4-H both on campus and in the Wilmington community
- To render service
- To cooperate with the student body, the agriculture department, and other student organizations
- To coordinate activities with the Clinton County Cooperative Extension Service and surrounding counties
Meeting Details
Wednesday's @ 5pm in CSA149
- President: Aubrey Schwartz
- Vice President: Morgan Evans
- Vice President of Membership: Levi Hartschuh
- Secretary: Ruth Beery
- Treasurer: Cooper Strader
- Public Relations: Blayne Ferguson
Aggies & Collegiate 4-H was the first organization that I joined as a student at Wilmington College! It has been clear from the start that this organization supports and builds the agricultural community while strengthening personal development in its members. My involvement has opened many doors for me, from developing networking to followership skills, I am thankful I made the choice to join. – Chyann Kendel
Aggies is a great organization that allows students to not only gain friendships through collegiate 4H, but also gives students activities to participate in that allows growth in knowledge! The activities done throughout Aggies not only allows the students in the organization to learn but also allows learning growth for students. Aggies is absolutely an organization I would highly recommend to incoming students or even students that aren’t already in the organization! – Zack DeAtley
Aggies has allowed me to further my skills and experiences in the agriculture industry, while creating new friendships and connections. – Carley Asher