Our college Amnesty International chapter is just one of thousands of chapters located all over the world. Our members, alongside seven million other Amnesty International members, work to defend human rights locally, nationally, and internationally. Our group works hard to create engaging and educational campaigns that highlight human rights abuses and offer participants an opportunity to be part of compelling campaigns that demand human rights be protected. We envision a world where all people are treated with dignity and respect. In light of that core value, our campus chapter has become home to a diverse group of activists. We work tirelessly defending human rights, but also make time to hang out, enjoy each other’s company, and get to know each other. For our members, Amnesty International is more than a resume builder or volunteer opportunity. It’s a group we look to for support, guidance, and friendship. Come find us tabling, protesting, canvassing, or building visual actions and ask us about how you can join the Famnesty- we’re excited to welcome you into the Fam!
- Advisor: Ursula McTaggart
- President: Jordan Snarr
- Vice President of Membership: Milena Wahl
- Vice President of Logistics: Lucy Enge
- Secretary: Alyssa Harper
- Treasurer: Sharon McFall
“Amnesty has introduced me to some of the most driven, engaged, and empathetic people I have ever met. WCs group has taught me not only an incredible amount about human rights but about caring for myself and those around me too. I have gained knowledge about the world, insight into the impact that even just I can create, and a family that I know will always be there for me.” - Cece Hunt

“I have been a part of Amnesty International since the second semester of my freshman year- I am now a Junior. Amnesty allows me to be who I truly am through lobbying opportunities and advocating for human rights. This organization has become a huge part of who I am, and the group is very close knit. I am thankful for the opportunity to continuously work on campaigns that support human rights.” -Ariana Riccardi

"Amnesty International is my home at Wilmington College. Not only do I get to work on the human rights issues I care about, but, also, I get to work with my friends -- it is a FAmnesty. We go to Columbus to lobby at the Statehouse on gun violence, paint banners for events including Homecoming, make visual actions such as a door on the Mall for National Coming Out Day, table for signatures in Pyle on crises like the Amazon Rain forest, bring speakers to campus relating to the Death Penalty, and so much more. Being able to raise awareness and educate the greater community is such an exciting opportunity, and it is empowering to be trying to make a difference." -Lucy Enge