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Bowling Club

The Wilmington College Bowling Club brings students together to have a time of fun and relaxation, away from their busy life on campus. Our mission is to bring the campus together to enjoy friendly competition and build the foundation for what could eventually become a competitive team for the College.

Executive Board

  • President: Tristan Reiley
  • Vice President: Kaitlin Kestermann
  • Advisor: Kendra Cipollini

Student Experiences

“The Bowling club has created a great opportunity to meet new people and establish new relationships that could last a lifetime. It brings people together for a moment to have fun and relax from a long day at classes” - Tristan Reiley

"Bowling club is a fun way for students to relieve the stress of school work and to meet new people. Being part of the club makes you feel more connected to the campus by being actively involved."  - Kaitlin Kestermann