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Quaker Leader Scholars

The Quaker Leader Scholar Program mentors’ young adults for leadership consistent with the principles of the Society of Friends. In order to meet that goal the students gather weekly; help plan and attend two Spiritual Retreats during the year as well as plan service projects within the local community. Our weekly meetings are meant to be a time of building faith community and sharing in possible ways this group can be a reminder that the Core Values of the college campus is an important way of putting our faith into practice. You don’t have to be a Quaker to be a person of integrity – but this Quaker organization should be able to state what the core values really mean to us – as we go about our daily rounds. We welcome and encourage others who want to experience a loving faith community.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have continued to meet both over zoom and while socially distanced.

  • Clerk - Olivia Bobb
  • Recording Clerk - Chloe Mason
  • Advisor - Nancy McCormick

Student Experience

"Quaker Leader Scholars is my favorite club at Wilmington College. It’s a beautiful place to get support, feel loved, and discuss ones own journey in spirituality and religion. There is no judgement or negativity, only positive vibes that truly fill me with joy. QLS meetings are the part of my week where I can reset and feel recharged. It can also be extremely funny to watch all of us interact with one another—we’re a goofy group!"

"Quaker Leader Scholars has been an amazing experience for me. It has provided me with a community on campus. I have met so many people, and gained so many friends. In the three years that I’ve been a member I have participated in many service opportunities that have helped shaped me as a young quaker. I’m very happy to say that I’m a member of this scholarship program and the QLSP family."