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Study Abroad

Study Abroad

Who can study abroad? Students who have earned 30 hours and have a minimum GPA of 3.0 are eligible to apply to the Office of Academic Affairs for approval to study abroad. Students must complete a study abroad application for WC AND for the host institution/program.

How do I pay for it? Students who choose to study abroad will be charged a $150 administrative fee and will be able to use their Wilmington tuition (minus any institutional financial aid) to pay for approved study abroad or experience. Some programs offer limited scholarships.

Will I need a passport? Yes, all students interested in studying abroad should get a passport. Plan ahead - obtaining a passport can take several months. Click HERE for information on obtaining passports.

Do I have to go away for a whole semester? Only if you want to! Students can enroll in study-travel trips offered during spring break or in January or May. The cost of the trip varies and is the responsibility of the student. Academic credit is part of the student’s regular tuition cost. Recent trips have included travel to Holland, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Canada, Costa Rica, Mexico City, Ireland, England, Spain, and Western Europe.

How can I get more information about study abroad opportunities? For more information about true study abroad opportunities (fall, spring, summer semester), contact Sonja Wilkin, Academic Affairs Administrative Coordinator, or email  If you are wanting information about a short-term study-travel trip, please check the upcoming course schedules to see what trips are being offered or contact the faculty member heading up the trip for more information on a specific trip.

Can I study abroad if I have a disability? Wilmington College encourages all students, including students with disabilities, to expand their learning through studying abroad. Just as cultures differ from country to country, so do perceptions of disability and accommodations. Some countries may have a wide range of services for students with disabilities, some may rely on peer or family support, and others may have limited disability accommodations available. Students who may need accommodations or treatment for health issues during their study abroad experience are encouraged to meet with both the Academic Affairs Administrative Coordinator and Directory of Disability Services to discuss options with as much advance notice as possible. Please note that the American Disabilities Act (ADA) rarely applies to students outside of the United States.