Returning Students
Returning to Wilmington College
Former students who wish to return to Wilmington College need to complete a Readmission Application instead of the traditional freshman or transfer application for admission. In addition, official transcripts of additional academic study and a Transfer Recommendation Form (completed by the Vice President of Student Affairs at the most recent institution) must be received to complete the admission file. The student’s account must be clear and there cannot be any financial holds on the student’s account in order for the readmission application to be processed.

Financial Aid
Financial aid is available to students returning to Wilmington College so long as Satisfactory Academic Progress has been made and the student submits the FAFSA. Any scholarships and awards the student previously received are null and void. A new financial aid award will be prepared with the current year’s FAFSA information.
Class Registration
All official college and high school transcripts must be received before a registration appointment will be scheduled. Class registration during the readmission process begins in the Office of Admission with a phone call to make a registration appointment. The student will visit campus to meet with an academic advisor (not necessarily the same one s/he had before) to schedule classes.
WilPay and Student Accounts
The same WILpay account user name and password will be used as when the student was enrolled previously at Wilmington College.