Discover the Benefits of Giving Wisely
Did you know there are creative ways to support Wilmington College? Ways in which Wilmington, you and your loved ones all benefit at the same time?
Such giving techniques are called “planned gifts”, because with thoughtful planning, you create win-win solutions for you and Wilmington.

Philanthropic Leaders Dinner

Thank you to all our Philanthropic Leaders and Sam Marble Society Members who attended our Philanthropic Leaders Dinner!
We hope you all enjoyed!
Marble Society
Named after long time Wilmington College President Samuel D. Marble, the Marble Society recognizes individuals who have supported Wilmington College financially in one of the three following ways:
- By making a will bequest
- By funding a planned gift
- By creating an endowed fund
These types of gifts are special because they ensure that the College’s tradition of success will grow and flourish. The legacy created by these gifts will shape the life of the College for many years to come.
Marble Society members are eligible for a number of benefits.
Their gifts will be publicly acknowledged, although anonymous memberships are available. Potential members need only notify the Society in writing of their eligibility, stating the date and type of gift.