The Austin E. Knowlton Foundation of Cincinnati has established a scholarship fund at Wilmington College for Ohio high school graduates. Each Austin E. Knowlton Memorial Scholarship will provide $5,000 to a Wilmington College Freshman who meets the following qualifications:
- Is a resident of Ohio and/or graduated from an Ohio high school, and
- Is interested in majoring in mathematics or a related field.
The Austin E. Knowlton Memorial Scholarship Guidelines
- Each scholarship will be at least $5,000, regardless of financial need,
- Preference will be given to students interested in majoring in Math with secondary consideration to other math related fields, at the discretion of the scholarship selection committee.
- All Knowlton scholarships are eligible to be renewed annually,
- Contact the office of Admission at Wilmington College for application instructions: or 937.481.2260,
- Consistent with Wilmington College financial aid policy, the Knowlton Scholarship can be combined with other financial aid, however the entire package may not exceed full tuition.
Throughout his lifetime, Mr. Austin E. Knowlton, also known as “Dutch”, helped build and shape thriving communities.
Mr. Knowlton was the owner and Chairman of the Knowlton Construction Company, an organization started in Bellefontaine, Ohio in 1937. Dutch and his company were responsible for over 600 significant construction projects throughout Ohio and the Midwest, including school buildings, hospitals, libraries and post offices.
An avid sportsman, he was an original founding partner of the Cincinnati Bengals, where he served as Chairman. He also held a major ownership interest in the Cincinnati Reds for many years. He had a lifelong passion for saddle-bred horses and was a trustee of the Little Brown Jug Society for harness racing in Delaware, Ohio.
Mr. Knowlton was a 1927 graduate of Bellefontaine High School in Logan County, Ohio and The Ohio State University, class of 1931, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Architectural Engineering. As a philanthropist, Mr. Knowlton was a benefactor of the Ohio State School of Architecture, which is named in his honor.
In 1981, inspired by his success made possible by the education he received, Mr. Knowlton established his namesake Foundation to empower future generations of students and to support the institutions dedicated to educating them.
Today, through the Foundation, Mr. Knowlton’s beneficial impact on communities throughout the Midwest continues, by helping to prepare future generations of leaders.
Austin E. Knowlton Scholarship Testimonial
The Austin E. Knowlton foundation has allowed me the opportunity to advance both my academic life at Wilmington College and professional life outside of WC. The financial assistance provided to me by the foundation and the ongoing support of the faculty at Wilmington College has been imperative in helping me grow my passion for film while earning my degree in communications.
Unlike other schools, WC allows me to participate in theatrical performances as a non-theatre major. The faculty at WC supports my passions both in and outside the classroom, and does everything they can to ensure I succeed in both.
Without the financial support provided to me by the Austin E. Knowlton foundation, I would have not been able to attend Wilmington College, where I have been able to turn my dreams and imagination into reality. Thank you, truly.

Recipients of the Joshua Keith Memorial Scholarship at Wilmington College will be selected each year based on application responses and financial need. This is not a merit scholarship.
Only students pursuing degree programs (major or minor) in Agriculture are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Those receiving award monies may use the funds toward travel in the same academic year, or in future academic years. In circumstances where travel to Costa Rica is not possible due to trip availability, scholarship monies may be used for collegiate travel/study trips to alternate destinations. Funds must be used prior to the recipient’s graduation.
Award dollars may vary each year based on availability of funds, but will range between $500 and $1000 per year, per recipient, which will cover approximately 25% to 50% of total trip costs, depending on the study/travel selected.

Gary Bohl Memorial Scholarship
Wilmington College Agricultural Scholarship Fund
Gary Bohl grew up on a family farm near Georgetown, Ohio and graduated from Georgetown High School in 1962. He participated in athletics at Georgetown High School and competed as a distance runner at the state level in both Track and Cross Country events. Following High School, he enrolled at Wilmington College, and graduated from there in 1968 with a Degree in Agriculture- Business.
While at Wilmington College he joined the Ohio National Guard, and graduated with distinction from the Officers Candidate Training Program. He was a Second Lieutenant, commander of the Springfield Company C, and I was while returning from an assignment that he met his untimely death on January 21, 1973.
This scholarship was created by: the Racial Understanding Group; Patricia Thomas; and Jerrett, Jamison, Jonathon, and Julian Gordon.
Amount awarded: $1500, non-renewable
Recipient Criteria:
- Must be a spring sophomore, junior, or senior student planning to be enrolled in Wilmington College in the upcoming fall semester
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Involvement in at least one social issues group
- Must demonstrate acute social awareness
- Award will be limited to a student of color every other year
Students of all races and ethnicities are eligible. To apply, students must submit their contact information and write an essay of no more than two pages, double-spaced, that outlines their social awareness, involvement in a social issues group, and embodiment of Ms. Gordon’s admonition to “do something that’s not all about you once in a while!” Submissions are due to by 5:00 pm on Friday, March 25. (Note: this is Good Friday, so no classes will be held that day. Submissions can be made by email on or before 5:00 pm on Good Friday).