Internships are an integral part of your college experience – complementing your academic program and providing the experience you need to prepare for the career you want. Completing internships can give you a competitive advantage in the job market for college graduates.
Working with your faculty members and the Office of Career Services & Workforce Development, you can choose between doing an internship for course credit, or non-credit. Both types of internships need to be structured to align with your academic program and/or professional goals. The Office of Career Services & Workforce Development will help facilitate both.

For-Credit Internships:
For-credit internships are courses you must register for before the start of the desired spring, fall, or summer semester. For-credit internships may be 1-6 credit hours and will become an official part of your academic record at Wilmington College.
Non-Credit Internships:
For non-credit internships, please complete only the first 2 steps above. Even though this internship will not be for course credit, it is important to submit the Internship Information Form, and to complete the Internship Agreement Form so the College has a record of your experience that can be verified with future employers.
Since all students are automatically provided with access to Handshake upon enrollment, you can search through an extensive listing of internship opportunities across the United States. You will need an updated resume to apply for internships on Handshake.
The Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE), headquartered in Dayton, OH provides numerous regional opportunities for internships. You may create an account by clicking the link below. You will need an updated resume and unofficial college transcript to apply through SOCHE.
Faculty Connections
Reach out to faculty members. They may be well-connected with the industries related to their respective fields and may have the contact information you need for the organization/industry you want to gain experience in.
Start the Internship Registration Process
If you already have an internship identified and approved with a company/organization, click on the link below to submit the Internship Notification Form. All sections must be completed. Once submitted, the Office of Career Services and Workforce Development will issue an Internship Agreement. For internships for academic credit, Career Services and Workforce Development will facilitate course registration.