Share YOUR Unique Wilmington College Experience
We’re asking you to share your WC experience with the world. Post a photo and brief story to social media about what makes (or made) your days at WC memorable, and use the hashtag #WeAreDubC (or submit a photo and descriptive paragraph directly to

Hanna Anderson
Hi everyone, My name is Hanna Anderson, and I’m a Junior studying Social Work and minoring in Sociology. I am involved in National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) and Indigenous Students Association (ISA). I’ve been a part of many work opportunities involving Phonathon and Watson Library here at WC. I chose Wilmington College because it was close to home. I also knew I wanted to attend a small college, so WC was the perfect place for me, plus it had hands-on learning! I am so incredibly grateful and truly blessed to attend such a great school. I have met many of my close friends here at WC and have made so many memories that will last a lifetime. I am excited to see what the rest of my time here at WC brings. If you are considering joining the WC family please do so, you won’t regret it! #Classof2024 #WeAreDubC

Anna Irwin
Hi friends! My name is Anna Irwin, and I will be a Senior this year at Wilmington College majoring in Primary Education with a minor in music! Here at Wilmington, I am involved in MANY clubs and organizations, such as Faith in Action, Delight, Peace Corps Prep Program, Peer Navigators, Quaker Thunder Pep Band, Jazz Ambassadors, Wind Chamber Music Ensemble, Eco Club, SLEB, Quaker Leader Scholars, Bowling Club, and Activities Programming Board (APB). When I first stepped onto campus as a high school senior, I immediately felt welcomed and at home. The college community was super friendly and has been throughout all my years as a student so far! WC also drew me in with its small community, hands-on learning environment, and passionate professors! As I am about to start my final year as a WC student, I can’t help but think about how many memories and lifelong friendships WC has blessed me with! WC has offered me many opportunities for growth and learning that I will cherish forever, such as service trips to Belize, band concerts with my WC Pep Band family, hands-on lessons in the classrooms, and more recently, the opportunity to follow my dream of learning the accordion! That’s my story so far! I’m excited to add more to my story as a Senior this year! If you see me on campus, or need a friend to chat with at WC, feel free to chat with me! I have MANY more WC stories that I would love to share with you!

Hannah Gaines
Hello! My name is Hannah Gaines. I am a first year student at Wilmington College, double majoring in Communication Arts and Biology. I chose WC because I love the closeness of the campus community. While attending my first year, I have been involved in the Quaker Cheerleading team, a sorority, and have also been helping with the Alumni Association as an Advancement Ambassador. I have loved my first year at WC and cannot wait to see where the next three years take me.

Adrian Salomone
Hey y’all! I am Adrian Salomone and I’m in the class of 2023. I am currently studying Sport Management with a minor in Coaching. I hope to be a high school athletic director. I am involved in a variety of organizations here on campus, including: Energize, BSI, SAAC, SAFE, Wilmington Wrestling, student worker for the Wilmington College Athletic Department, and the Activities Programming Board. I chose Wilmington College because of the strength of our Sport Management program, and WC being a small school, close to my hometown. Another factor was the hands-on experience that gives me the opportunity to start working as the ball boy and chain marker at football/soccer games and overseeing the games before I get out into the real world with my career managing sports. I love listening to music. I love to travel. I enjoy trying new things. I enjoy meeting people/making new friends.

Jordan Snarr
Hi, my name is Jordan Snarr. I plan to graduate in 2023. I’m a Business Administration major with minors in Economics and Race, Gender, and Ethnicity Studies. I’m a part of many things on campus including the Honors and WISE programs, Amnesty International, Quaker Leader Scholars, Cross Country and Track, SLEB, Student Senate, theatre, and I’m also an RA. As my time is young on campus, I am eager to continue to be involved and explore more on campus. I am so thankful for the opportunities provided on campus that have forced me to escape my comfort zone and grow. I hope to soon take advantage of the multiple travel opportunities once it is safe to do so. I’m grateful for the close friends I’ve made; those friendships will last my lifetime. Late nights and runs to Taco Bell have made friends into best friends. The way Wilmington College has helped me develop as a person is immeasurable. I am forever grateful for the memories WC has allowed me to make and those I continue to make. I am humbled to be a part of this family. #WeAreDubC

Bethany Sheridan
My name is Bethany Sheridan, I am a senior planning to graduate in December 2021, majoring in Agricultural Education with a concentration in Agricultural Communications. I have had many great professors and truly enjoyed many of the courses I have taken however, the greatest lesson I have learned in my time here isn’t reflected on my transcript. Some of my involvement on campus includes serving on the Student Senate executive board, participating in a multitude of Collegiate Farm Bureau events, actively participating in Delight, assisting with the Aggies’ Livestock Judging Contest, and attending various professional development and social events. I could go on and on about the people I’ve met, the memories I’ve made, and the things I’ve learned. The greatest lesson I have learned in my time here is no matter how big the world seems, when you plant your roots in the right places it becomes much smaller as you grow. I’m so thankful Wilmington has become my second home and helped shape me into the person I am today. Go Quakers! #WeAreDubC

Sharon McFall
Hello friends! I’m Sharon McFall. I’m currently a sophomore here at Wilmington College. I’m a double major in Criminal Justice and Mathematics, with a double minor in Political Science and Psychology. While at WC, I’ve had so many opportunities to be involved. I’m a tutor in the Math Center, as well as a student worker in the Service House. I’m also the Treasurer for ISA, WACC, and Amnesty International. I’m the incoming president of Active Minds, and the current Vice President of Finance for SGA. I was also on the Wilmington College Mock Trial team this past year. When I was thinking about where to go to school, I was lost. I had no idea what I wanted. I knew I didn’t want to go to one of the universities around my high school, because it seemed like everyone else was going to those. I got an invitation to come tour DubC, so I accepted. The moment I stepped out of the car, I knew. This was the place for me. Wilmington College has been a second home to me. Had I gone anywhere else, I don’t think that I would have been as happy as I am here at WC! Here’s some fun facts so you can get to know me: I have two sisters- Emmaleah and Chealyn – and two goddaughters – Scarlett and Bethany; my best friend and I have been friends for 12 years; my favorite show is Supernatural; my favorite color is yellow; my favorite flowers are pink lilies; I work at the Wilmington “Roosters.”

Samme Riggan
Hey y’all! I am Samme Riggan and I’m in the class of 2023. I am currently studying Animal Science with minors in Biology and Chemistry with hopes to be a livestock veterinarian. I am involved in a variety of organizations here on campus, including: Sigma Alpha, Delight Ministries, Aggies & Collegiate 4-H, Wilmington Women’s Soccer, Veterinarians of Tomorrow Club, Student Government Association, Delta Tau Alpha Agricultural Honor Society, The National Society of Leadership and Success. I chose Wilmington College because of the close-knit community that results from our school size. Another factor was the hands-on experience that gives me the opportunity to start working with animals before graduate school. Some fun facts about me are:
I love playing piano. I am a balloon artist. I used to model for American Girl Doll.

Anna Bzovi
Hello, my name is Anna Bzovi, I am a sophomore Communication Arts major with a minor in Political Science. I am active in the Kappa Delta Sorority here at Wilmington and also serve as secretary on Kappa Delta’s council. I am also working on becoming a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success, and Delight Ministries. I chose Wilmington College because it felt like home during the first visit I ever had. Coming from a small hometown, the small school atmosphere reminded me of home. I also fell in love with the hands-on style of learning. Having the opportunity to learn skills that will impact my future career is amazing. I am very blessed to have chosen Wilmington College and couldn’t see myself anywhere else. #WeAreDubC

Katie Easter
Hi! I’m Katie Easter and I am currently a junior studying Agricultural Communications. I chose Wilmington College because it was the best fit for me. Coming from a small town and high school, I love the small campus and close community that Wilmington has. I also loved the personalized experiences that are offered at WC and have had many amazing opportunities during my time at Wilmington. On campus I am a cheerleader, I am involved in the Peer Mentorship program, a member of Aggies & Collegiate Farm Bureau, Delta Tau Alpha (Agriculture Honor Society), and Gamma Beta Eta Lil Sis (previously Delta Theta Sigma Lil Sis). These organizations have helped me find my place on campus and create lifelong memories and friendships. I am so grateful to have found my home at WC!

Abby Ruth
Hello! My name is Abby Ruth and I am a senior studying Agricultural Business and Communication Arts. My time at Wilmington has been an amazing experience thanks to my involvement in Sigma Alpha Agricultural Sorority, Delight Ministries, Collegiate 4-H/Aggies, Women in Ag, Delta Tau Alpha Agricultural Honor Society, and many others along the way. During the past three years, I have been able to grow in so many ways thanks to all the opportunities the College has to offer! After graduation, I will be moving back home and working for Kalmbach Feeds and will have the opportunity to experience all aspects of the company as part of their Jumpstart Leadership Program. If it weren’t for WC, I wouldn’t be half the person I am today! I have found not just friends, but family here and will never lose touch with any of them. Wilmington is my second home and I will forever be a Fightin’ Quaker!

Emelie Sterner
My name is Emelie Sterner, and I am a junior here at Wilmington College. I am a psychology major with a minor in coaching. I am a part of the women’s soccer team, which was a big reason why I came to WC. I am also a member of the Wellness Committee and the International group. As an International student from Sweden, I am glad that there are other international people here. Having people both from my home country and other countries who are going through the same experience as me, makes me less homesick. Also, being so far from home, I really appreciate that everyone here at WC is always so welcoming, nice and helpful. During my three years here, I have made lifelong friends and I have learned a lot. Wilmington has definitely become a second home for me, and I am glad I got the chance to come here. #WeAreDubC

Adriana Middleton
Hi! I’m Adriana Middleton, I’m currently a senior here at Wilmington college, majoring in Criminal Justice. I am a member of the DubC Volleyball Team and a member of NSLS. I chose Wilmington because I wanted to transfer somewhere closer to home as well as some place with smaller classes and a great volleyball program, that’s when I found Wilmington! While being here I’ve made many friends, many who had a huge impact on my life. Wilmington College will always be my home away from home. I’m graduating in two months and it’s crazy! But Wilmington will always be a part of my life. #WeAreDubC

Tia Louiso
My name’s Tia Louiso and I’m a senior, double majoring in Education Studies and Agriculture with a concentration in Agronomy and I will be graduating in May! While at WC, I have been able to be a part of many organizations and participate regularly in community service activities. I’ve also been able to meet people who will be in my corner for life thanks to Wilmington. Some of the organizations I have been a part of are: Gamma Beta Eta Lil Sis, (previously Delta Theta Sigma Lil Sis), the Agricultural Education Society, the Peer Mentorship program, and Aggies. These organizations helped me find my passions and really made Wilmington feel even more like home! After graduation, I plan to join New York FFA Camp to teach outdoor education to students. I am so thankful for the opportunities that Wilmington College has provided me and this experience will be something I will always be grateful for!

Tiffany Kim
Hey guys! My name is Tiffany Kim and I’m a senior here at Wilmington College, majoring in Sport Management. During my 4 years here on campus, I’ve involved myself in a lot — but currently I am a member of the Alpha Phi Kappa sorority. I chose to come to Wilmington, because it wasn’t too far from home, and I knew a lot of people here. While being here I’ve made some of my closest friends who have left a huge impact on my life, and this place has really become a second home to me. I’m graduating in a couple months, but Wilmington will always be a part of my life as I move onto my next chapter.

Connor Heck
My name is Connor Heck and I am a sophomore at Wilmington College. I am a double major in Criminal Justice and Psychology with a minor in Political Science. In addition to SGA, I’m also in the WISE program. I have met so many friends here at Wilmington and made great memories I will never forget. The professors here on campus make it their priority to get to know each of their students and give them the best opportunities possible. The small campus and close community makes Wilmington feel like home.

Peyton Mullins
My name is Peyton Mullins, and I am a second year student at Wilmington College. I am a Business Administration major with a concentration in Marketing and a minor in Race, Gender, Ethnicity Studies. I initially discounted WC because my mom went here, it was small, and I had a hard time seeing where someone like me could fit in. Now that I have been here for almost two full years, I have found that I have been offered more opportunities than I ever could have been elsewhere. I am now a collegiate swimmer (and I had never swum before), a member of Student Government, an RA, in the Honors Program, an Orientation Welcome Leader, tutor, Supplemental Instructor, member of Amnesty International, and hold two internships. Without the community on Wilmington’s campus, I would have never been presented with these positions that are helping me show others that there is a place for them here. Wilmington has given me my best friends and greatest memories. #WeAreDubC

Ariana Riccardi
My name is Ariana Riccardi and I am a senior this year. I am a double major in Political Science and History with a minor in Race, Gender and Ethnicity Studies.
Wilmington College has shown me nothing but love over the past four years, and it created an environment that allowed me to find who I truly am. I have been blessed with so many opportunities to grow, travel, network with amazing people, and study halfway across the world. I’ve had opportunities to serve, both on campus and in the community, and grow as a public servant. And, most importantly, I’ve been able to build relationships that will last a lifetime. To elaborate on the opportunities Wilmington College has provided me with I will share that I have served as Student Body President (SGA), I am the President of the Peace Corps Prep Club and Resident Student Association, I’m an RA, I have been involved in several theater productions, and I am the Director of our Diversity in Action team – just to name a few. I may be graduating in two months, but Wilmington College will always be my home, and for that I am forever grateful. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my journey. I truly could not have accomplished everything I have without the amazing faculty, staff and administration at Wilmington College.

Nathan Johnson
My name is Nathan Johnson and I am a junior at Wilmington College. I am majoring in Finance and Accounting. I came to Wilmington for VITA and the soccer program. I then learned I no longer wanted play soccer, so I joined Lambda Chi Alpha and SGA. After being a part of a few leadership positions in other organizations I am now the president of my fraternity, the student coordinator for VITA and have been the treasurer of SGA for two years.

Keely Smith
My name is Keely Smith and this is my first year at Wilmington College. I have always wanted to become a teacher and it’s exciting to go to a school with hands-on education. I was in an elementary classroom during my first semester which was an amazing experience! Wilmington College has allowed me to make so many new friendships and have many opportunities to succeed! Small class sizes have helped me be more focused in class and have connections with my professors! #WeAreDubC