College Immersion Program Underway at WC
Most high school students have never driven a tractor, herded cattle or seen the difference between male and female blooms on a squash plant.
(LEFT) Agriculture professor Monte Anderson gives ACCESS participants a tour of the Academic Farm.
Learning new things is what the college experience is all about and this was well represented when two-dozen high school students visited the College’s Academic Farm during their stay at Wilmington College July 8 through 11. They were the first contingent to visit campus this month as part of WC’s ACCESS program.
The ACCESS program (Academic College Campus Experience for Student Success) is designed to give students a jump on attaining college preparatory skills that includes testing based upon personality and learning styles, an ACT prep class and gaining insight into succeeding in college and exploring career goals.
“ACCESS is a college campus experience in the truest sense,” said Kenneth Lydy, associate vice president for student affairs. “After completing this program, high school juniors and seniors will have a better understanding of the strengths and areas in need of improvement as they head down their path toward college and, ultimately, a career.”
Student participants are spending three nights in campus housing, learning about the College’s facilities and engaging with current WC students, faculty and administrators.
ACCESS offers both in-class and extracurricular, hands-on activities such as working with various areas of study, volunteer service and recreational activities.