SENIOR SALUTES Honor Wilmington College's Graduating Seniors
Senior Cassie Whiteman will graduate from Wilmington College with a great sense of self-confidence and personal conviction for her career path she wouldn't have recognized four short years ago. "Compared to the scared, young girl who walked onto the College mall for the first-time freshman year, I am a completely different person," she said. "At WC I was able to find my passion (agriculture) and why I was so passionate about it.
"At WC, I was able to learn who I was."
The agriculture-agronomy major from Glenwood, Indiana, took advantage of the College's hands-on learning opportunities and participated in such enriching, ag-related activities as the Aggies, Collegiate 4-H Club and the Agriculture Lobby Trip in Washington, D.C.
Cassie fondly recalls lifelong friendships she made with not only her student peers but also with many of her professors.
"I experienced an outpouring of support from professors who treat you like a friend, not a number that happens to be in one of their classes," she said. "Almost every memory from WC is a favorite, but the most important memories are the ones I made with friends. Everything from getting Kairos coffee in the morning to duct-taping a roommate to the wall to cure our boredom during a late night."
As Cassie looks forward to working for Harvestland Co-Op as a field technician as she begins to "find my place" in the ag industry, she offers a word of advice to future graduating seniors from Wilmington College.
"Don't underestimate the potential of such a small campus," she said. "There might be times you'll think you made the wrong decision, but the uplifting community of WC is something that will resonate with you for a lifetime — and, by senior year, you'll wish you could stay forever."
SENIOR SALUTES are the result of Wilmington College's graduating seniors completing an online survey requesting them to look back on their time at WC and share favorite memories, especially meaningful events/relationships and how their time at the College has impacted them.