Event Open to All, Will Detail Often-Challenging Process
Navigating the often-curvy road of financial aid can be challenging for many families with a son or daughter planning to attend college, especially when it’s the first time they consider terms like loan-to-grant, aid package and FAFSA.
PICTURED: The College is hosting its largest-ever entering class of students this fall.
Wilmington College is hosting Financial Aid Help Night Nov. 7, from 6:30 to 8 p.m., in Room 149 of the Center for the Sciences and Agriculture, located at the corner of College and Elm streets. The Enrollment Management area will have representatives explaining the financial aid process colleges and universities use to determine a student’s award and how families can prepare for this process.
All students and families with an interest in any college are encouraged to attend Financial Aid Help Night. Light refreshments will be served.
In addition, the Clinton County SUCCEEDS program will be explained. This unique opportunity especially designed for Clinton County residents resulted in the largest number of local residents in modern history attending WC this fall. Questions about Clinton County SUCCEEDS can be directed to WC’s Sonia Thompson, assistant director of Student One Stop Center, at 937.481.2353 or sonia_thompson@wilmington.edu.