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Equestrians Show Well at Regional Meet

Equine Business Management

Wilmington College’s equestrian team continued its winning ways as four WC competitors at last weekend’s Regional Meet in West Virginia advance to the National Semi-Finals later this month.

Maegan Pearson, who automatically qualified by her high-point status in the region, will be joined by Brendan Manor, who placed second in Walk-Trot Horsemanship; Paige Kopiec, first in Level One Horsemanship; and Emily Stone, first in Walk Trot Horsemanship. They advance to the National Semi-Finals in Sweedsboro, NJ.

Also, Lauren Murphy placed fourth in Rookie B Horsemanship at the Regional Meet. Additionally, since Wilmington College was the high point team in the region, select team members will also be traveling to New Jersey to compete in the team competition.