Hannah Hall's Abstract Scores Highest in Ohio
Six Wilmington College seniors had their original research abstracts accepted as poster presentations at the 2022 Ohio Athletic Trainers Assn. Annual Meeting and Clinical Research Symposium May 6 in Cleveland.
PICTURED: Senior Hannah Hall chats with her faculty co-authors at the Student and Faculty Research Symposium last week. Her abstract was selected as top in Ohio. Faculty members from the left are Erika Goodwin, Eric Dick and Jennifer Walker. BELOW: The six students whose original research was selected for poster presentation at the OATA Research Symposium are flanked by their co-authors and faculty members. From the left are: Prof. Erika Goodwin, Hannah Hall, Rachel R. Kesterson, Maryn Herring, Sarah Monnier, Kathleen Monnig, Hayley Suchland, Associate Prof. Jennifer Walker and Assistant Prof. Eric Dick.
Also, professional reviewers scored Hannah Hall's abstract as best in the state in the Student Original Research Category. She is invited to share her research at the oral presentation part of the symposium.
All abstracts accepted to the symposium also are eligible for publication in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Allied Health Services.
The students comprise the Research II class of Dr. Erika Goodwin, provost and professor of athletic training. She is a firm believer that research experience is "a vital component" for students in athletic training. Its professional literature notes that "Scholarship is what delineates our (athletic training) profession from a trade.”
"The students may not build their future career around research but they will gain an appreciation for the role scholarship and research plays in advancing our profession," Goodwin said, noting that part of the hands-on learning WC's AT students engage in is to complete a senior thesis project and paper on original research. They are then encouraged to submit for a conference presentation and publication.
Her students' success has been impressive over the years.
"I have been fortunate to work with over 210 research projects in my tenure at WC, over 120 have been presented at state, district and national conferences and/or been published," she added. "We’ve won our state conference Undergraduate Exceptional Research Award many times. This is something our program has become known for and has brought the college much prestige."
Hall's abstract is titled "Effects of Rock Steady Boxing on Parkinson's Patients. Her co-authors are faculty members Goodwin; Jennifer Walker, associate professor of athletic training; and Eric Dick, assistant professor of athletic training.
Also featured will be presentations by Hayley Suchland, whose topic is "Effects of Tik Tok on the Mental Health of Men's and Women's Soccer Teams at One Institution, faculty co-authors Goodwin and Dick; Sarah Monnier, "Effects of Caffeine on Agility Tests on One Women's Collegiate Volleyball Team," faculty co-authors Goodwin and Dick.
Also, Maryn Herring, "Comfort Levels of Male Collegiate Student-Athletes in Reporting Symptoms of Eating Disorders, faculty co-authors Goodwin and Walker; Kathleen Monnig, "Men's and Women's D-III Soccer Athletes' Anxiety Levels Due to Balancing Academic and Team Responsibilities," faculty co-authors Goodwin and Walker; and Rachel R. Kesterson, "Rodeo Athletes' Perceptions of the Available Onsite Medical Care Provided," co-authors, Goodwin, Walker and Perry Denehy.