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Three Faculty Members Earn Promotions/Tenure

Promotions/Tenure for Victoria DeSensi, Martha Hendricks and Laura Struve to Go into Effect July 1 Three members of the Wilmington College faculty have earned promotions or been granted tenure effective July 1. (PICTURED) From the left are Martha Hendricks, Laura Struve and Victoria DeSensi. Dr. Victoria DeSensi, assistant professor of psychology, was granted tenure, while Dr, Martha Hendricks, associate professor of education, and Dr. Laura Struve, associate professor of English, have been promoted to full professors. President Jim Reynolds made the announcement following evaluations of the faculty members’ portfolios by the Tenure,Promotion and Review Committee, and his endorsement of its recommendations. Their portfolios illustrated work in the key areas of teaching, service and scholarship/research. “I congratulate Vicky, Martha and Laura for these significant accomplishments in their professional careers,” he said. DeSensi, who joined the pychology faculty in 2010, holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Miami University and a Ph.D. from Indiana University, while Hendricks came to WC in 2002 and holds both a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degree from The Ohio State University and a Doctor of Education from the University of Cincinnati. Struve, a member of the English faculty since 2002, has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Trinity University and a Master of Arts and Ph.D. from Princeton University.