Musical Runs Nov. 17, 18 and 19 in Heiland Theatre
Wilmington College Theatre will present Urinetown, the Musical Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Nov. 17, 18 and 19, at 7:30 p.m. in Hugh G. Heiland Theatre.
Urinetown is a musical satire of the legal system, capitalism, social irresponsibility, populism, environmental collapse, privatization of natural resources, bureaucracy, municipal politics — and musical theatre itself! Hilariously funny and touchingly honest, Urinetown provides a fresh perspective on one of America's greatest art forms.
Bryan Wallingford is directing and Sterling Goodwin and Jennah Blair head a cast of characters featured in a Gotham-like city, where a 20-year drought has led to a water shortage and a government-enforced ban on private toilets. The citizens must use public amenities, regulated by a single malevolent company that profits by charging admission for one of humanity's most basic needs. Rising up from the people, a hero decides that he's had enough and plans a revolution to lead them all to freedom. Along the way, he learns to listen to his heart as he falls for the daughter of the monopolizing tycoon.
Goodwin and Blair play the characters, Bobby Strong and Hope Cladwell, respectively, with Becca Simonji portraying Penelope Pennywise, Kyleigh Caves as Little Sally, Alex Vail as Officer Lockstock, Zach Tillis as Officer Barrel, Birdy Orebaugh as Little Becky 2 Shoes, Fae Maffin, as Soupy Sue, Damien Harris as Tiny Tom, Toby Hayes as Old Man Strong, Mary Alexander as Josephine Strong and Ollie Bates as Hildago Jane/UGC executive.
Also, Nathen Borgan as Rob the Stockfish/Dr. Billeaux/cop, Dalan Toupes as Hot Blades Harry/UGC executive, Andrew Hall as Billy Boy Bill/UGC executive/cop and Ellie Craig, Jordan Snarr, Grace Vance and Naomi Quigley all as poor/cop. Portraying Caldwell B. Cladwell will be George Spelvin with Emilia Knisely as Mrs. Millennium, Andrew Conarroe as Mr. McQueen, Gary Sheldon as Senator Fipp and, starring as members of the UGC staff will be Liv Boczar, Jessica Fair, Sydney Geibel, Cecilia Hunt, Hailey Pugh and Jessica Yankel.
In addition to Wallingford, the production staff includes J. Wynn Alexander, scenic and costume design; Becky Haines, lighting design; Gina Beck and Timothy Larrick, musical direction; Cole Haugh, choreography; Alyssa Jenkins, stage management; Ashleigh Wellman, publication design; Peyton Holden, light board operation; Myranda Archer and Anna Irwin, follow spot operation; and the set/prop crew includes Spencer Anderson, Michael Frisch, Linda Mead, Trinity Revels and Trinitie Woolwine.
The College has implemented a new system for ordering tickets.
Contacting the Theatre Box Office to make reservations is no longer needed as theatre patrons can order tickets — and specify their seats — through online ticketing at <>
The ease of purchase features simply setting up a password-activated account on the website and selecting Wilmington College Theatre's Urinetown from available shows, the show date, the number of tickets desired and specific seats. Tickets are $17 and can be paid for using a major credit card. Those ordering tickets will receive their tickets by email, which will be scanned as a paper ticket or on one's phone when entering the theatre. Also, patrons can request that their tickets are held at the theatre's will-call window.
Anyone wishing assistance with the ticketing system can contact the Theatre Box Office on weekdays, from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., at 937.481.2267. The new system does not accommodate ticket exchanges, refunds or returns once orders are placed.

‘Urinetown’ Cast Features Students, Alumni and Community Members