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WC Music Dept. Plans 3-Concert Chamber Music Series

Fall, Winter and Spring Concerts Will Be Held at the Historic Murphy Theatre The Music Department at Wilmington College is partnering with the historic Murphy Theatre to present a three-concert series with shows this fall, winter and spring. The Wilmington College Chamber Music Series will open Nov. 9 with a WC faculty showcase featuring three guest artists: pianist Dr. Brianna Matzke, Dr. Evan Hatter on trombone and Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra violinist Eric Bates. Matzke will accompany both musicians in addition to her solo performance. This concert is free of charge. PICTURED: Dr. Brianna Matzke is coordinating the series and will be one of the featured faculty members performing at the Nov. 9 concert. The Columbus-based Carpe Diem String Quartet will present a program from great string quartet literature on Feb. 21 and this year's series will conclude April 22 with pianist Ann DuHamel's Earth Day concert, "Prayers for a Feverish Planet." All concerts start at 7:30 p.m. Also, the artists will share their expertise by offering a workshop, class or question/answer session at a local school the afternoon before their performance. A meet-and-greet with the artists will be available following each concert. Series coordinator Matzke, an assistant professor of music, said offering such a concert series has been a "dream" of hers for several years, albeit one that had been deferred until now by the pandemic. "It's so special to listen to music with an audience and have that collective experience — it can't be replaced by anything else," she said. The venture represents a College/community partnership in which the Music Department received a Revitalization Grant from the City of Wilmington along with the financial support of private donors. Matzke also lauded Steve Burnette, executive director of the Murphy Theatre, for being "so amazingly supportive" of the idea. "It's wonderful to feel the community is interested in strengthening ties with the College by enriching the cultural life of the community," Matzke added. "The Murphy Theatre is a beautiful space with good acoustics." While the Nov. 9 faculty concert is free of charge, tickets are $12 for the winter and spring concerts and will be available beginning Nov. 1 at the Murphy Theatre Box Office and through its website at <>. Students will be admitted free of charge.