The related fields of Data Science and Data Analytics are developing alongside both the availability of data and the tools that are used to understand it. The foundations of Data Science were first laid by computer scientists thinking about information and the application of statistics to harness it. Today, the field of professionals and educators generally recognize a new class of scientists who specialize in understanding and using the data that now underlies the “information economy.” The College has incorporated several themes into its program in Data Science and Analytics. Indeed, the collection and use of data have an ethical component that has been largely neglected in the business world. Also, the effective use of data requires a broad foundation of knowledge in many interconnecting domains and the amount of data available to most organizations is increasing more quickly than their ability to analyze it. As such, persons with data analysis skills are more employable and earn more than those without. The College’s hands-on hallmark ensures that our graduates will have real experience that they can transfer to their careers and lives of service.
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