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The United States is the fourth largest Spanish-speaking country in the world. Opportunities abound for persons able to communicate in Spanish. Fields ranging from business and political science to law, education, social work, agriculture, financial services and criminal justice all are in need of Spanish speakers.

You will enjoy a truly unique program with courses designed specifically for you and your interests. The program is highly interactive and student-centered with the goal of graduating bilingual and bicultural students.

You also will have the opportunity to visit Spanish-speaking countries, where you will become immersed in a different culture, interact daily with residents of that nation and discover your ability to successfully navigate in an often unfamiliar environment.



Credits to earn a Minor


Semesters to Complete


Respondents stated that they were employed six months post-graduation from Wilmington College.

(Fall 2021 Student Survey


Easily “FAST-TRACK” a Spanish Major or Minor!

Students who have taken high school Spanish, as well as native Spanish speakers will be evaluated for their language proficiency and placed in the appropriate course. Advanced placement allows students to skip over lower level classes, reducing the overall course load for a major by as much as 16 credits, depending on your placement. See Dr. Stahley for further information on advanced placement.


  • SP130G Elementary Spanish I
  • SP131G Elementary Spanish II
  • SP230G Leones Y Tigres Y OSOS... OH MY!
  • SP232G The Cartoon Network

Faculty Spotlight


What's Happening at WC



Have questions?





The United States is the fourth largest Spanish-speaking country in the world. Opportunities abound for persons able to communicate in Spanish. Fields ranging from business and political science to law, education, social work, agriculture, financial services and criminal justice all are in need of Spanish speakers.

You will enjoy a truly unique program with courses designed specifically for you and your interests. The program is highly interactive and student-centered with the goal of graduating bilingual and bicultural students.

You also will have the opportunity to visit Spanish-speaking countries, where you will become immersed in a different culture, interact daily with residents of that nation and discover your ability to successfully navigate in an often unfamiliar environment.



Credits to earn a Minor


Semesters to Complete


Respondents stated that they were employed six months post-graduation from Wilmington College.

(Fall 2021 Student Survey


Easily “FAST-TRACK” a Spanish Major or Minor!

Students who have taken high school Spanish, as well as native Spanish speakers will be evaluated for their language proficiency and placed in the appropriate course. Advanced placement allows students to skip over lower level classes, reducing the overall course load for a major by as much as 16 credits, depending on your placement. See Dr. Stahley for further information on advanced placement.


  • SP130G Elementary Spanish I
  • SP131G Elementary Spanish II
  • SP230G Leones Y Tigres Y OSOS... OH MY!
  • SP232G The Cartoon Network

Faculty Spotlight


What's Happening at WC



Have questions?



