Theatre Minor
As Theatre minors, our students explore areas of theatre that can help complement their major. Skills learned and used in theatre can apply to any career. Creative thinking, teamwork, effective communication and problem solving are all skills employers look for in hiring the most qualified applicants. Using an experiential education model, our students are provided hands-on opportunities that allow them to hone their skills, deepen their understanding and build a portfolio of work that can be shared with future employers.
Our students are encouraged to continue to explore their passion for theatre as they prepare for their profession in a related field. A minor in Theatre can go well with a major in Communication Arts, Education, Criminal Justice, Psychology and many others.
Wilmington College theatre productions are open to ALL students. You do not need to be a theatre major or minor to audition for the shows or work in a technical area.
*There are financial scholarships and talent awards available for theatre majors and minors. Talent Awards are available for students who major, minor or participate in theatre and sign agreements to be involved in the productions each semester. Please contact Bryan Wallingford, Area Coordinator, for more information on amounts available, applications, and deadlines.
Credits to earn a Minor
Semesters to Complete
of respondents stated that they were employed six months post-graduation from Wilmington College.
(Fall 2021 Student Survey)

Theatre Program Highlights
The Theatre Department at Wilmington College uses a hands-on approach to help students pursue their passion for the performing arts while crafting careers in the theatre industry or in countless other professions.
Unlike many state school and conservatory programs that might pigeonhole students into a singular area of theatre, we offer a broad experience that helps students gain valuable expertise and practical skills in all areas of theatre. Not only
do our students get the chance to act, sing, and dance onstage, but they also have opportunities to design sets, hang lights, explore stage makeup, create props, build costumes, stage-manage, and direct their own productions. Each of these hands-on learning experiences gives our students insight into the theatre industry and the versatility to secure employment in the myriad of jobs related to theatre after graduation.
Many students double major with Theatre and another academic area or gain skills complementary to their major by minoring in Theatre. Some majors that integrate well with Theatre include Communication Arts, Education, English and Political Science. Music, Art, and Communication Arts are also excellent minors to add to a theatre major.
Wilmington College theatre productions are open to all students. Students are not required to be a theatre major or minor to audition for productions or work in a technical area.
• TH130 Introduction To Theatre
• TH235 Stagecraft
• TH240 Acting
• EN331 Shakespeare
• TH330G Dramatic Literature I
• TH331G Dramatic Literature II
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