The Campus Minister provides resources and conversation to students with spiritual questions – questions ranging from the meaning of life to living in right relationship with God and others, or discerning a vocation. The campus minister, Nancy McCormick, can help you find a church or small spiritual group that meets regularly on campus. She can loan you a book on Christian belief or Jewish mysticism, or just listen to what’s on your mind. Nancy is on campus every day, either in her office or checking on people throughout the campus.

Religious concern and spiritual formation at Wilmington College occurs all across campus, not only in the programs sponsored by the Campus Minister’s Office. Religious concern and spiritual formation are at work whenever students increase their moral engagement with the world, at work in the curriculum’s emphasis on global understanding, at work when the education department teaches conflict resolution skills to new teachers. Religious concern and spiritual formation occur in the thousands of hours of community service for which Wilmington students volunteer every year, and in the many active programs of the Center for Service and Civic Engagement. Religious concern underlies the exhibits and programs of the Peace Resource Center and the Quaker Heritage Center, as well as the annual Westheimer Peace Symposium. The religious concern is the basis for the college’s long commitment to adult learning, and for its programs within Ohio’s correctional system. In all these ways, Wilmington College continues to be a witness to the presence of the Inward Teacher, and the Teacher’s work in the world. From this foundation, it follows that education for any vocation or occupation is strengthened. The practical work of strengthening this connection occurs through programs and groups associated with the campus minister’s office.
