Need Help? We Have You Covered.
Throughout your time at Wilmington College, you will inevitably encounter situations when you will need assistance academically outside the classroom. Know that you will always have academic support — from your faculty advisor to the first friendly face who greets you in College Hall — and will help you or point you towards those who can.
Stop by to pick up your essentials, including textbooks, school supplies, and Wilmington College apparel and accessories to sport your Quaker spirit!
Access information for your classes anytime in Blackboard. You will find information about your assignments, attendance and more. Need help? Contact the IT Help Desk.
Flip through the catalog to learn more about academic programs, gen ed requirements, policies and more.
WC Portal
Are you a current student? Log in to the WC Portal where all your needs — access to Office 365, web printing, parking permits and beyond — are a click away.
Watson Library
With its vast collection of and access to books, e-books, journals and other resources, Watson Library is a great place to do research for projects, satiate your personal curiosities or browse for interesting reads. Our librarians are available to help you uncover tools and resources to expand your search capabilities. Or simply stop in the library for a comfortable place to relax and study without distractions.

Develop Your Study Skills at the Student Resource Center.
Discovering how you most effectively learn is one of life’s more exciting pursuits, and we aspire to provide you with a variety of resources to assist you on that endeavor.
Tutoring Services
- Individual Peer Tutoring
- The Math Center
- The Quaker Writing Center
- Supplemental Instruction
Meet One-on-One with a Peer Tutor.
Coursework is often challenging, and it helps to talk it through with someone who understands. Whether you have a one-time question on a topic that you do not fully grasp or you would like help prepping for an upcoming test, our tutors are here to help. Schedule an appointment or stop by the Student Resource Center. We are here to help!Stay Strong with the Aid of the Student Success Lounge.
Life has its challenges, and unfortunately, sometimes those challenges can upend your progress in the classroom. We know you are resilient, but at Wilmington College, you do not have to face challenges alone. The Student Success Lounge has Student Success Coaches who are available to provide you with academic support and student support resources to help you in the present as well as guide you through decisions to enable your continued success in the future.

Support Services

Accessibility & Disability Services
We work with students and faculty to ensure that disability will not be a barrier to equal opportunity or access to educational programs and services.

IT Help Desk
Technology often aids our lives … except when it does not. When tech is giving you a headache, we are here to help!

Quaker Cupboard
Your college years will be flush with challenges — food insecurity does not need to be one of them. Learn more about what you can request and how it works.

Wellness at WC
Your health matters. Keep your mind, body and soul well nourished by tapping into our health and wellness resources.
Hands-On Opportunities
At Wilmington College, hands-on learning is more than a commitment — it is a core element of our identity. Learn more about some of the ways we are giving our students an edge to prepare them for their lives and careers beyond college.
Enhance Your Studies in the Honors Program.
Are you looking for something more out of your college experience? The Honors Program might be right for you.
Designed to enrich the academic experience of qualified students, the Honors Program can also provide you with unique opportunities in leadership and civic engagement. You will have the opportunity to take special sections of courses that allow you to explore topics in a more personalized way, explore interdisciplinary seminars to broaden your understanding of the world and culminate your degree with a senior project.

Get a Jump Start on Your Career.
Getting a great job after graduation is a priority. But you should not wait until your senior year to make this a reality. Do you need an on-campus job? Are you interested in internships? Do you need help deciding what to do with the degree you are working towards? Career Services can help you start the process of reaching your goals as early as day one.
We offer career counseling and help with developing the skills and resources you need to enter the workforce — resume and cover letter writing, interview skills, job searching skills — and provide opportunities to get you in front of employers who want to hire you.
Explore Undergraduate Research Opportunities.
Each spring, Wilmington College hosts two events to showcase the research our student and faculty have conducted — the Undergraduate Research Forum and the Undergraduate Research Symposium.
The forum is a poster exhibition that showcases and celebrates research accomplishments across all majors and disciplines, while the symposium serves in more of a traditional conference format where students will present their papers.

Experience the World through Study Abroad.
You can learn a lot about the world through secondhand resources, but it is hard to replicate the learning power of experiencing life abroad firsthand.
Whether you have always dreamed of studying the flora and fauna in the tropical biome of Costa Rica, tracing the steps of the 1848 revolutions along the Ringstrasse in Vienna, or simply experiencing a different way of life, there might be a study abroad option that is right for you.
We offer semester programs as well as short-term study-travel trips.
Commit to a Life of Service and Civic Engagement.
Why wait for the world to change when you can be in the driver’s seat? The Center for Service & Civic Engagement (CSCE) creates opportunities for students like you to get involved in the community where the help is most needed. From voter drives to building tiny homes, there are a variety of ways you can get involved.
Through your commitment to helping others, you will deeply develop skills and qualities that will enhance your life as well as the lives of those around you.

Do You Have Academic Resource Questions?
We Have Answers.
Academic Affairs
We can help you with all the administrative aspects of your academic career. We oversee advising, support services, academic policies and appeals, commencement, student research, and so much more. If you have a problem and you are not sure whom to reach out to, we are a great option to consult.
Visit our office in College Hall 202.
Academic Records
We can help you with all things pertaining to your student record. These are things such as registration, athletic eligibility, transfer course evaluation, graduation review, VA benefits and transcripts, and FERPA.
Visit our office in College Hall 105.
Student Success
We can help you get back on track academically when you feel your footing getting swept from under you. Our Success Coaches can guide you to resources across campus as well as offer guidance on strategies to match your needs in the moment. Some decisions are hard, and you do not have to make them alone.
Visit our office in Robinson Communication Center 114.